Michael Moore's Films
Claim: Michael Moore's films Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, and have exposed people to the problems involved in politics, the health care industry, and gun control. I am going to explore whether his individual claims are true or not/ are found to be valid in each of his movies.
My primary source will be the films. My secondary sources will be critic's receptions and scholarly articles related to the movie. i will also use news stories/events of that time for historical background and to find what event each movie is primarily aiming at.
to find the legitimacy of Moore's claims in his films.
to find if he may have manipulated his claims to rile the public with anger or distrust towards the government
to find the effect of moore's films on the public.
Students interested in modern politics and the problems with it
Humanities Core students looking to see a connection between the art of film and actions/movements.
anybody interested in american politics and anybody looking to find ways to improve it.
NOTE: i may choose only one of the films Moore has produced.
1 comment:
the truthfulness of moore's claims.... it seems you will want to spend some time thinking about what you mean by truth... and why it might be obscure in mm's films. i think you need to pick a film. in order to think about if the things he says are "true" you will need to explore the issue he deals with in a particular film. i also think it would help to spend some time thinking about the aesthetic matter of his film--the tone, the irony, or humor, the documentary style, the use of experts as authority--all of these things involved in the rhetoric.
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