Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Research headnote

As my primary source I will be looking deeper into actual pieces of graffiti. I have examples to compare to each other. My pieces include both graffiti from high profile gangs but also from smaller tagging crews whom are not directly involved with violence. The reason for the pieces from tagging crews is because they are more inclined to art rather than violence and territorial benefits. My photos include methods of reading certain tags and will let one understand the meaning of each piece of graffiti. Although it will not be used as my primary source I also will be having an interview in order to better understand these pieces of art and how they affect the lives of the young society. Having an understanding of why young adults risk themselves in order to tag their crew or gang will help my get a better understanding and more in depth research.

Interview Questions

How do you feel Graffiti has influenced gang violence?
How do you feel most people perceive graffiti, as a work of art or vandalism?
Why do you think many people fear the thought of graffiti?What starts conflicts between graffiti artists?
How has graffiti evolved within the last few years?
Do you feel graffiti has a direct correlation with gangs?
When there is graffiti does it usually mean there is a higher rate of violence within the area?
What are some different methods of graffiti art?
What is graffiti’s main purpose in your opinion?
How is graffiti used to mark territorial space?
Is their any way graffiti can have a positive influence on society?
What is the correct method to read and understand graffiti?
What is the difference between gang graffiti and tagging crews?
How does a graffiti artist make a name for himself?
Which gangs do you most often encounter?
Claim: Graffiti art has the ability to cause gang confrontation and rivalry and induce violence

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