Claim: Take a look to the left and what do you see? Two logos, they are only slightly different from each other. The importance between them is the fact that they both represent the same company. Starbucks has become a household name in America and has come to spread across the world as one of the leading businesses serving coffee. The current logo at Starbucks is usually hard to miss. The green mermaid or "siren," as it would be called in the store, originated as the brown one on the right. As starbucks grew and expanded into the 20th century, it changed the logo to a more moderate and less sensual image in green. The original siren in brown was based off of a Norse Woodcut of a siren.
Evidence: The primary source will be the starbuck's logo. Supporting or secondary sources will come from and other various sites.
Purpose: Starbucks is one of the leaders in coffee production and trade. The purpose of this is to find how the logo and other logos of major companies came to represent an idea or concept. It also aims to show how Starbucks has come to represent an age of good coffee and safe trade.
Audience: Peers and Coffeehouse customers and those Partners who work at starbuck's.
1 comment:
glad to see the AB and the logos. so what is it that starbucks represents to our 21st century eyes? is this different from 5 years ago? what is its national and international image and has this changed? are they trying to change it (in your opinion or factually) through this new logo campaign?
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