Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Swadharma and Swaraj

The Volcano, Chapter 1: Swadharma and Swaraj deals with a very true and interesting concept, that of getting your facts straight and staying true to the source. Behind every event, there is an outcome and events leading up to the outcome. Like the Revolutionary War Swadharma and Swaraj speaks of, the outcome of the war is known, but the events leading up to the conclusion are often skewed, biased, or even untold. Therefore the cause of such a Revolution is not fully appreciated or understood unless the events leading up to the conclusion is clearly defined and known. Although some events may have been by accident, they were instrumental for the outcome. Oftentimes, many scenes in movies are created by accident and are unscripted. Oftentimes, the best acting takes place when you wing it or are spontaneous. Directors and filmmakers do not fail to acknowledge this accident, for it worked in their favor. If it did not work in their favor, they may simple redo the scene. This is not the case with a Revolution, you can not simply redo something, therefore all events leading up to the conclusion made an impact on the outcome. Therefore, all events leading up to the Revolution is a part of the Revolution, not just the final outcome.

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