Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Swadharma & Swaraj

Reading the first chapter of The Volcano: Chapter 1, provides much insight into the thought processes put behind the ideas of the Indian Revolution. The main thought that seems to be emphasized is the idea that History, is a rich and important part of the future. Swaraj itself, has the importance of meaning the self and the country. The idea behind this is that you should have pride and love of your own country. This is important because it strengthens your identity and the relationship to your roots. You will be able to find out who you are through loving your country more. The bad idea behind this, however, is that it almost appears to emphasize the sense of extreme nationalism. Usually this is not something to be worried about, but if you look at The Nazis and their nationalism, you see that too much nationalism leads to very negative things. The sense of pride for your own homeland is natural though. Swadharma is more about the self and religion. This is basically the love of your own religion. Spirituality is never a bad thing, it strengthens your identity as well. When you are spiritual, you are connected to the world and have a purpose in life. This purpose ultimately leads to success and growth from within.

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