Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hind Swaraj

I was a bit upset by Ghandi's opinions of lawyers and doctors... Ghandi preaches seeing the humanity in everyone yet he fails to recognize it in lawyers' motives for becoming lawyers. He says that they are lazy and simply in it for the money. The other idea I did not like was Ghandi's statement that doctors help people indulge themselves and encourage an uncontrolled mind. Ghandi previously had argued that you cant blame someone else for your own actions... here, in criticizing the doctors' actions, he blames them for a lack of SELF-control. This is hypocritical, period.


Moniqa said...

I too found this view of Gandhi to be somewhat upsetting. I feel that in his Hind Swaraj, anything that could potentially be corrupt he disapproves of. I mean, yes there is no question that there have incidents in which there are doctors and lawyers that work for their own self interest, instead of trying to serve justice and help people, but just because these negative aspects are probable does not mean that we should completely shun these people, because despite that there are also a good many people that do practice their profession with good intentions and morals.

Erin Trapp said...

it seems like gandhi does not want any intermediacy (no bureaucrats!), and that is part of his dislike of doctors and lawyers. it is possible to think that at one point these things could seem unnecessary, but now (with modern diseases, modern property rights, etc), they seem totally necessary. is there any application of a part of his critique to present-day?

noelle said...

I also wasn't too sure about the comments on doctors and lawyers. I think he went to far to say that doctors make things worse instead of better. And I agree that it is quite hypocritical.