Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kohlhaas Reading

In my opinion, Kolhlaas journey is about a man who is out to set right the problems of the government. He also explores the intertwined relationships between people in the government and how this effects the way that law should be properly carried out. Kohlhass personality makes a complete 360 throughout the novel. In the beginning, he is a law-abiding citizen who is very calm and collected in difficult situations. An example of this is when he finds out that a permit is not required. He is not bitter and he calmly goes back to get his horses, not wanting to cause any problems. Later, he sends a letter to the government asking them to punish Wenzel von Tronka for his behavior but Kolhlass plea is turned down because the two government officials are related to Wenzel von Tronka. From this point forward, Kolhlaas becomes a completely different person. He does not listen to the last words of his wife, instead he does the complete opposite. He does not forgive his enemy and goes on to do tons of damage to different cities. Kolhlaass goes to get revenge agaisnt Tronka and in doing so, he becomes a murder and a "vexatious litigant" (a troublesome person that part of a lawsuit). He believes that by taking revenge on Tronka and destroying homes and tones of innocent people, he is going toreceive justice in the end.

1 comment:

sharilyn said...

I agree with the point that his means to acheiving justice were twisted and he did make a complete "360 degree turn." I think it's interesting how strong of an impact pain and frustration can have on an individual and his/ her outlook.