Monday, April 28, 2008

Infernal Affairs/The Departed

Infernal Affairs
NOTE: The Departed is a remake of Infernal Affairs
I decided to make my annotated bibliography on Infernal Affairs instead of both sources for now.

1. My main focus is going to be on Infernal Affairs for now, and compare certain aspects of it to The Departed. Either comparing genre, content, or character.

2. The director Andrew Lau felt neutral about the remake, there were some parts he liked, and some parts he didn't. His co-director Alan Mak wasn't impressed with the movie; he thought it was too similar to the original, and didn't like the happily-ever-after ending.

3. The purpose is to compare how the two movies are tailored to their audience. How Martin Scorsese makes The Departed appeal to an American audience while Andrew Lau makes Infernal Affairs appeal to a Hong Kong audience. I will focus on content, style, score, and differences or similarities in storyline. I will mainly focus on Infernal Affairs rather than The Departed since it is the original.

4. Infernal Affairs is aimed at a Hong Kong audience who have different tastes than an American audience. Around the time the movie came out, Hong Kong cinema was nearly dead, and this movie helped to revive the industry. The Departed was tailored for an American audience who likes their happy endings.


Erin Trapp said...

i think these films sound interesting, from things i saw online. perhaps you could focus more of your initial attention on what the signifcance of the first film was before comparing it to the second. what was it about? why are you interested in it? what issues does it deal with? its directors? the HK film scene? the film genre? etc etc... sounds good though

Erin Trapp said...

p.s. can you please add to or modify aspects of the AB to reflect more of the primary source? this might include considering some of the things in the previous comment.

Erin Trapp said...

i watched infernal affairs over the weekend, and i was wondering: are you focusing on this, the first? or all 3? or the departed?